
课程简介: 本课程旨在赋能学生综合商务英语语言沟通技能,以便提供服务国家“一带一路”倡议的外向型人才,提高学生在国际竞争环境中的文化适应性、场景应对能力和商务礼仪需要。教师要以良好的教学单元设计,赋能学生,使学生在课上充分利用所学的商务知识,对各种商务话题进行听、说、读、写、案例讨论等商务英语语言练习。本课程的核心是将价值塑造的育人目标、商务知识、英语听说技能和逻辑思维有效表达进行有机融合。 Course Description: The course aims at enhancing students’ comprehensive and integral skills in Business English ready to work and compete for China’s OBOR initiative in an international work environment. The teacher will ask students to apply their business knowledge and sharpen their communicative skills in English by reading, listening, speaking, writing and case-discussing on relevant, up-to-date, business-related topics. The course is meant to enable/equip students with comprehensive business English skills. The core objectives are to develop students’ patriotic and critical thinking with high level of ethical standards, work commitment, and professionalism. Meanwhile their abilities in business communication such as negotiation and cross-cultural management should also be enhanced.

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  • Welcome on board of Advanced Business E... 2024-09-20
  • 江春发布了新的通知公告Welcome on board of Advanced Business English